Photocopy Machine | Photoshop Action


Designers in the house, are you on the hunt for something that'll make your artworks pop? Say hello to your new secret weapon – Photocopy Machine!

Photocopying might be old-school, but we're about to make it the coolest thing in your design toolkit. We created this powerhouse of 8 Photoshop actions, designed from the ground up to mimic the quirks of a real photocopied sheet with different styles.

But hold on, this ain't your grandma's photocopy. We've cranked up the creativity with gnarly Photoshop actions that'll make your designs scream “bad*ss”, we gave you full control of the machine and every feature you could ever need – you name it, we have it!

Your graphics are about to go from “meh” to “heck yeah!” with this product, so it's time to Ctrl Your Creativity and enter our Ctrl Zone.


• One atn Photoshop file containing the 8 actions of Photocopy Machine with built-in step-by-step tutorial
• PDF of the Manual that guides you through all the features of each action with some extra tips & tricks
• Read Me file to introduce you to the product (Short read but useful info, we swear)
• A pack of different textures to give the true sauce to your artworks


• Get that authentic photocopy effect, and get it fast
• Choose between 8 different styles for every kind of artwork
• Just a few clicks for the final result – No complicated stuff or tech headaches
• For those who prefer a more “hands-on” approach, each action comes with its own built-in, step-by-step tutorial right inside Photoshop
• Endless possibilities of customization with live and editable filters
• Make it yours! Add textures, gradients, filters and everything else is going through your mind, – Photocopy Machine can handle it!


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